Pastor Dion Marquit
Music Director:
_Our Music Director, Julie Weston, has lived in the village since 1988. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Music Education from SUNY Potsdam and holds an MBA from SUNY Albany. She is retired from the Info Technology field at Keybank. In addition to our church choir, she's been singing with Albany Pro Musica since 2007, and loves having both choirs in her life!
Custodian: Bill Ackerman
Sexton: Fred Anderson
Volunteer Staff:
Lay leader - Brian Backstrom
Council chair - William Bobear
Pastor/Staff Parish Chair - John Hill
Trustee Chair - John Faulkner
Recording Secretary - LeeLee Rafferty
Lay Member to Conference - Brian Backstrom
Alternate Lay Member to Conference - John Hill
Finance Committee Chair - John Hill
Current Expense Treasurer - Susan Hill
Benevolence Treasurer - Richard Palmer
Finance Secretary - Laurie Bobear
UWF President - Kay Egan
Parsonage Chair - Susan Hill
Safe Sanctuary Rep. - Liz Ruepp
Social Justice Rep. - Lisa Meehan
Mission Chair - Richard Palmer
Music Committee Chair - Julie Weston
Music Committee Member - Colin Helie
Bell Tower Editor - Jackie Marino
Website Editor - Carol Osterhout
Nurture and Membership Chair - Kathy Krochina
Camping Coordinator - Sarah Weber
Kay Egan
Joe Ruepp
Peter Pruso
Susan E. Hill
Mark Hill
John Moore
John Faulkner
Steve Morris
Staff/Parish Relations
John Hill
Judy Palmer
Laurie Bobear
Lay Leader
Nominating Committee
Pastor Dion - Chair
Janet Weber
Peter Pruso
Lynn Keyes
Pastor Dion - Chair
Janet Weber
Peter Pruso
Lynn Keyes